

의광학 및 광측정 연구실

Research interests at the Biomedical Optics and Optical Metrology (BOOM) Lab. focus on the development of new optical imaging techniques and its applications to solve medical problems and industrial challenges. We strive to develop new optical instrumentations and methods based on advanced optical technology.

  The Biomedical Optics team develops new optical instrumentations such as endoscopic imaging catheters and multimodal microscopes and translates these new technologies into preclinical and clinical research. This study will improve patient care by providing advanced diagnostic and therapeutic methods. The Optical Metrology team is developing optical imaging technologies, including confocal microscopy, spectroscopy and 3D microscopy, and solving industrial challenges by providing high-precision and high-speed metrology. Overall, our research objective is to focus on developing novel optical systems for medical diagnostics and precision industry applications by visualizing the previously unseen




한국과학기술원 (학교)



유홍기 h.yoo@kaist.ac.kr

소속회원 0