2011.2월 미국방성 산하의 Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)는 Advanced Tools and Capabilities for Generalizable Platforms (ATCG)구축을 목표로 다양한 연구계, 산업계 전문가들에게 대규모 합성생물학 연구활성화 전략을 천명하였다. 이는 글로벌 프론티어사업 등 합성생물학 연구를 적극 시작하고 있는 우리나라의 연구정책과도 일치하는 것이다. 이하 자세한 내용은 첨부파일 및 아래 원문참조..
DARPA is soliciting innovative research proposals to develop new tools, technologies and methodologies to transform biology into an engineering practice, speeding the biological design-build-test cycle and expanding the complexity of systems that can be engineered. The goal is to enable the rapid development of previously unattainable technologies and products, leveraging
biology to solve challenges associated with production of new materials, novel capabilities, fuel and medicines. For example, one motivating, widespread and currently intractable problem is that of corrosion/materials degradation―a challenge which costs
the DoD nearly $23 B/yr. Living Foundries, with its ability to truly program and engineer biology, may enable the capability to design and engineer systems to rapidly and dynamically prevent, seek out, identify and repair corrosion/materials degradation.
Ultimately, in turning biology into an engineering endeavor, Living Foundries aims to enable on-demand production of new and high-value materials, devices and capabilities for the Department of Defense (DoD). This announcement, Living Foundries: ATCG focuses on the development of the component, advanced tools and capabilities for rapidly engineering new biological systems. Example areas of interest include: design and automation tools, modular genetic parts and devices, standardized test platforms and chassis, tools for rapid physical construction, editing and manipulation of genetic designs,and new characterization and debugging tools for synthetic networks.