과학기술과 인문사회,정보/통신
- 초록
- With the development of computing technology, the convergence of ICT with existing traditional industries is being attempted. In particular, with the recent advent of 5G, connectivity with numerous AuT (autonomous Things) in the real world as well as simple mobile terminals has increased. As more devices are deployed in the real world, the need for technology for devices to learn and act autonomously to communicate with humans has begun to emerge. This article introduces “Device to the Edge,” a new computing paradigm that enables various devices in smart spaces (e.g., factories, metaverse, shipyards, and city centers) to perform ultrareliable, low-latency and high-speed processing regardless of the limitations of capability and performance. The proposed technology, referred to as EdgeCPS, can link devices to augmented virtual resources of edge servers to support complex artificial intelligence tasks and ultra-proximity services from low-specification/lowresource devices to high-performance devices.
자세한 내용은 첨부파일을 참고해 주시기 바랍니다.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. EdgeCPS 개념
Ⅲ. EdgeCPS 주요 기술
Ⅳ. EdgeCPS 응용 사례
Ⅴ. 결론
약어 정리
추천 리포트
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리포트 평점
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