클라우드-IP 기반의 방송 미디어 제작 기술 동향
Cloud-IP based Broadcasting Media Production Technology
오혜주 (H.J. Oh, feeler@etri.re.kr) 미디어방송연구실 책임연구원
이재영 (J.Y. Lee, jaeyl@etri.re.kr) 미디어방송연구실 책임연구원
김순철 (S.C. Kim, choulsim@etri.re.kr) 미디어방송연구실 책임연구원
최동준 (D.J. Choi, djchoi@etri.re.kr) 미디어방송연구실 책임연구원/실장
This document describes the technologies related to internet protocol (IP)-based media production systems.
As high-capacity, high-quality data transmission increases, broadcast production platforms are shifting to IP.
The IP-based production system uses the network by sharing resources and is easy to control centrally. It also
facilitates software-based cloud production. A cloud IP-based media production platform can work regardless
of dedicated hardware and can easily collaborate. Associations and industrial groups have created common
standards related to production, and manufacturers are developing solutions with their technologies based on
their product competitiveness. This study investigates the open standard technologies used for IP-based media
production and technology trends in the ProAV industry and describes the production in the cloud environment
and cloud AI-based production technology trends.
KEYWORDS cloud-IP, media production, NMOS, ProAV, SMPTE