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전체 46818

전체 46818

Globecom 2000 - tutorial and workshop -2 스크랩

  • 김수경 김수경
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  • 한국과학기술정보연구원
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  • 과학기술과 인문사회

이 자료는 보안 문서로 등록이 되어 있습니다. 문서를 열람하시기 원하시는 분은 다음의 사용자 암호를 입력하신 후 사용하시기 바랍니다. 사용자 암호 : www.kosen21.org global internet related tutorials - mobile internet service over the 4th generation wireless communication networks and beyond - internetworking: voice over packet-switched networks and ip over x - intranet and extranets; security and cost issues - policy enabled networking photonic network related tutorials - optical internet:available technologies and challenges - realizing the multiwave optical network satellite communication related tutorial - broadband satellite wywtems; a network perspective other tutorials - discrete-event simulation for communication links and networks - service level agreements(SLA) - new generation multiservice communication networks


Manipulating Molecules : The National Nanotechnology Initiative 스크랩

  • Michael E. Davey
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The Administration has requested $495 million for nanotechnology research, a $225 million increase over FY2000. Nanotechnology is a newly emerging field of science where scientists and engineers are beginning to manipulate matter at the molecular and atomic level. Proponents argue that nanotechnology will lead to a new industrial revolution in the 21st century. Scientists note that nanotechnology is still in its infancy, with large scale practical applications 10 to 20 years away. Congressional concerns center around why the Administration requested such a large increase for the NNI, the extent to which the newly established Nano Coordinating Office can successfully fulfill its multi- agency planning and coordinating responsibilities, and what role the federal government should play in ensuring that nanotechnology fulfill its long-term potential broad- based commercial applicaitons. While the Administration requested an 84% increase for nanotechnology, Congress approved a 56% increase($422 million), or %151 million above the FY2000 $271 million finding level.


Stem Cell Research 스크랩

  • Judith Johnson
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Recent actoins by the Department of Health and Human Services(HHS) and the National Institutes of Health(NIH) involving human embryonic stem cell research have rekindled debate over the difficult ethical and social issues surrounding embryo and fetal tissue research. Embryonic stem cells, which have the ability to develop into virtually any cell ini theh body, may have the potential to treat medical conditions such as diabetes, Parkinson's disease, and cancer.


Department of ENergy Research and Development Budget for FY2001:Description and Analysis 스크랩

  • Richard E. Rowberg
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For FY2001, DOE requested $8.00 billion for all R&D activities, an increase of 6.7% above the final FY2000 level. For civilian R&D activities, the request was $4.71 billion, 13.2% above FY2000, while for defense activities, the request was $3.29 billion, 1.4% below FY2000. The final appropriation for FY2001 provides $8.33 billion for all DOE R&D, 4.2% above the request and 11.2% above the FY2000 level.


The National Aeronautics and Space Administration's FY2001 Budget Request and FY2001-FY2002 Authorization:Description and Analysis 스크랩

  • Richard E. Rowberg
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  • 기계

For FY2001, NASA requested $14.035 billion, an increase of 3.2% above the FY2000 appropriations. This was the first budget increase requested by NASA in seven years. Of the request, $9.73 billion is for R&D, an increase of 0.8% above the FY2000 lebel. NASA requested an increase of $206 million for Space Science and $69.9 million for Aero-Space Technology. The agency requested a decrease of $208.6 million for the International Space Station.


Nuclear, Biological, Chemical, and Missile Proliferation Sanctions:Selected Current Law 스크랩

  • Dianne E. Rennack
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  • 과학기술과 인문사회

The use of sanctions specifically to stem weapons proliferation is a relatively new development in U.S. foreign policy. While earlier legislation required the cutoff of foreign aid to countries engaged iin specified nuclear proliferation activities and mentioned other sanctions as a possible mechanism for bringing countries into compliance with goals of treaties or international agressments, it was not until 1990 that Congress enacted explicit guidelines for trade sanctions related to missile proliferation. In that year a requirement for the President to impose sanctions against U.S. persons of foreign persons engagint in trade of items or technology listed in the Missile Technology Control Regime Annex (MTCR Annex) was added that year to the Arms Export Control Act and to the Export Administration Act of 1979. Subsequently, Congress legislated economic sanctions against countries that contribute to the proliferation of chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons in a broad array of laws.


Taiwan:Major U.S.Arms Sales Since 1990 스크랩

  • Shirley A. Kan
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  • 과학기술과 인문사회

This CRS report discusses U.S. arms sales to Taiwan, or Republic of China, and lists sales of significant defense articles and services to Taiwan, approved since 1990. Based on unclassified notices, reports, and interviews, this list includes the date of notification, major item sold, and estimated value. The Twiwan relations Act has governed U.S. arms sales to Taiwan since 1979. Despite the unoffical nature of relations, U.S. arms sales to Taiwan have been significant. Policy issues center on how effetively the Administration is assisting Taiwan's defense and the role of Congress in determining arms sales to Taiwan.


Third Generation( 스크랩

  • Richard M. Nunno
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  • 전기/전자

Rapid growth in the number of subscribers of mobile wireless telecommunications services in the United States and abroad is fueling interest and developments in the next generation of wireless technology services, known as 3G. 3G services might include high-speed mobile Internet access and the ability to use the same handset anywhere in the world. Issues related to the implementation of 3G center mainly on the allocation of spectrum and adoption of technology standards by each of the countries developing this new wervice. While some steps have been taken to coordinate these activities, much work remains before 3G services will be available to the American public.


Medical Design & Manufacturing Conference 2001 스크랩

  • 김상선 김상선
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  • 과학기술정보통신부
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  • 보건의료

개요 : Medical Design & Manufacturing Exposition & Conference가 1월 8일부터 10일 까지 미국 캘리포니아 Anaheim 컨벤션센터 에서 열렸다. 매년 2회에 걸쳐 열리는 이 MDM Exposition & Conference에 올해는 16,000명이 참가하여 성황을 이루었는데 여러 분야의 납품업체들의 전시부스가 설치된 Exposition과 Conference가 동시에 열렸다. Conference에서는FDA (Food and Drug Administration)의 Regulatory와 생체 친화성 (Biocompatibility)을 비롯하여 모두 여섯개의 주제로 24개의 세미나가 3일간 열렸다. 특히 이번에는 MDM 컨퍼런스와 함께 Medical Device와 관련된 PLASTEC WEST 2001과 PACIFIC DESIGN & MANUFACTURING SHOW가 같이 열려 더욱 많은 사람들이 참가한 것으로 알려졌다. 이 컨퍼런스의 리포트는 미국 메드트로닉스사에 계신 박은성 박사님께서 수고해 주셨습니다. 궁금하신 점은 박은성 박사님께 문의하시기 바랍니다. e-mail : eunsungp2@hotmail.com 첨부. MDM 2001 박은성.doc


Food Biotechnology in the united States:Science, Regulation, and Issues 스크랩

  • Donna U.Vogt
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The use of biotechnology to produe genetically engineered foods can potentially provide greater yiedls of nutritionally enhanced foods from less land with reduced use of pesticides and herbicides. This technology has both critics and supporters. Concerns presented to Congress include potential detrimental effects to human and animal health and the environment, and violation of religious customs.
