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전체 46891

전체 46891

Trends in Japanese Textile Technology 스크랩

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미국 상공부 산하OTP(Office Of Technology Policy)는 세계의 경제, 그리고, 미국의 경쟁국과 관련하려 연속적으로 보고서를 발행하고 있다. 이 책은 눈부신 발전을 한 일본의 섬유공학과 관련하여조명한다. 그리고 이 책은, 세계적 수준의 일본의 섬유부분은 발전된 장비와 섬유들, 섬유의 생산국과 관련 서로 면밀하게 협력함으로써 이룩된 것임을 보여 준다. 모든 최종 생산물은 높은 품질에 초점을 맞춰서 생산된다. 일본은 물질과 제조에서 확장되는 기본적연구와 제조 과정의 발전을 유지하기 위해 많은 노력을 기울이고 있다. 목차는 다음과 같다. 1. 기업 환경 2. 기술과 관련하여/특징/생산물/제조(Fibers and Yarns/Fabrics/Apparel) 3. 미래와 관련하여.... 일본산업의 문제점/섬유산업기업의 위치/....


CLONING HUMAN BEINGS (Report and Recommendations of the National Bioethics Advisory Commission) 스크랩

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목차 Letter of Transmittal to the President Letter from the President NBAC Roster Staff Roster Acknowledgments Executive Summary 1. Introduction 2. The Science and Application of Cloning 3. Religious Perspectives 4. Ethical Considerrations 5. Legal and Policy Considerations 6. Recommendations of tne Commission 이 자료는 빌 클린턴이 인간복제가 어떤 영향을 미칠지를 1997년 2월에 NBAC에 의뢰하였는데, 7월에 NBAC에서 그결과를 발표한 것이다. 이 연구소에서는 윤리학자나, 과학자들에게, 그리고 물리학자, 이분야에 관심있는 시민들에게 의뢰하여 결과를 내놓았다.


Chemical processes and reactions under extreme or non-classic conditions 스크랩

extreme 또는 non-classic 상태에서의 화학공정과 반응 : 고압, 고온, 이온화된 radiations, 극초단파, 플라즈마, supercritical media, 초음파의 화학효과와 응용에 대한 주제 1.Basic aspects 1.1 Water and carbon dioxide at high pressures-properties and applications -In a supercritical fluid, the density and other physico-chemical properties can be varied continuously from liquid-like to gas-like without passing through a phase transition. Example of such physico-chemical properties for water and carbon dioxide will be given. Selected applications of supercritical water and supercritical carbon dioxide will be discussed. 1.2 Free-radical formation in water by ionizing radiation and by ultrasound -Key words:Ionizing Radiation, Ultrasound;OH-Radical Dosimetry. 1.3 Dosimetry of the mechanical and radical effects of ultrasound -key words:ultrasound, frequency, dosimetry 1.4 Standing waves a high frequency sonoreactor -visualisation and effects- -key words:sonoreactors, high-frequency, standing waves. 1.5 Estimation of free radicals generation from air-water cavitation bubbles -key wards:bubble dynamics, free radicals 1.6 Effects of ultrasound on solid-liquid mass transfer -key wards:Mass Transfer;ultrasound;electrochemistry 1.7 Acoustic cavitation field prediction for a simple configuration of sonication -key wards:Sonochemistry, Acoustic Cavitation, Fluid Dynamics Mathematical Modelling 1.8 Plasma chemistry in gases at atmospheric pressure -key wards:Plasma chemistry, gases, atmosphric pressure 1.9 Variable pressure NMR:Techniques and examples -key wards:Nuclear magnetic resonance, variable pressure, gas, liquid, reaction mechanisms. 2.Physical chemistry 2.2 Spectrocopy in supercritical fluids 2.3 Time-resolved resonance raman spectroscopy in supercritical fluids 2.4 Energy versus volume of conformers : Theoretical investigation of their relative contribution in the high pressure induced michael addition of amine to stereogenic crotonates 2.5 Short-lived species in photochmical systems generating transition metal complex exciplexes 2.6 Photons applications in CO2 2.7 Sonoelectrochemistry-The effects of ultrasound upon electroorganics synthetic reactions and electropolymerisations 2.8 Investigations on ultrasonic degradation of dextran in aqueous solutions:preliminary results 2.9 Sonochemistry in aqueous media:effect of n-butanol and sucrose concentration on hydrogen peroxide formation and phenol degradation 3.Applications in organic chemistry 3.1 The michael reaction using chiral imines under high pressure:easy access to highly substituted adducts 3.2 High pressure induced wittig reaction of monothioimides 3.3 High pressure influence of selectivities in [4+2] cycloadditions of activated dienes and bis-dienes 3.4 Spiroaziridine synthesis under high-pressure 3.5 The application of microwave irradiation to the synthesis of [60]fullerene derivatives 3.6 Synthesis of 2-cyanobenzothiazoles, quinazolines, 3,1-benzoxazines and 3,1-benzothiazines from N-arylimino-1,2,3-dithiazoles under microwave irradiation 3.7 Ultrasound assisted reactions of organofluorine compounds 3.8 Dehydration of 4-methyl-oxazole-5-carboxylic acid amide to 4-methyl-oxazole-5-carbonitrile 3.9 An efficient synthesis of vinyl sulfoxides through a sonochemical wittig-horner reaction 4. Applications in inorganic chemistry 4.1 Supercritical water oxidation of organic wastes. Application to the dodecane destuction 4.2 Sonochemical effects in tri-n-butyl phosphate 4.3 Sonochemical dissolution of refractory oxides (CeO2 and PuO2) 4.4 The effects of ultrasound on the corrosion of precoated steels 4.5 Materials processing under high pressures 4.6 Binary fluorides:New group of supercritical fluids 4.7 The effects of ultrasonic frequency and power upon a rotating cylindrical electrode in the electrodeposition of silver 4.8 Flash vacuum thermolysis:generation and charac


선박전자항법노트(246) 스크랩

  • 기무라 쇼우이찌
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A.8.2.2 GLONASS시스템의 현상 지난호에서는 GLONASS시스템의 위성 그외에 현상에 대해 서술하였다. 이번 호는 조금 GLONASS의 GPS와 상이한 것을 포함하여 그 현상등을 추가했다. 1970년대초 아메리카의 GPS 개발에 자극되어 일찌기 소련의 국방성은 GLONASS를 개발한것에 착상을 했다. 그 결과로서 GLONASS는 많은 점에서 GPS에 유사하지만


The IPTS report (20) 스크랩

  • 과학기술과 인문사회

IPTS에서 편집, The European Science and Technology Observatory Network(ESTO)에서 발행한 보고서 Special Issue는 '음식'이다. 이번 보고서의 special issue는 다양한 음식과 영양의 측면과 소비자 건강에 헌신했고, 유럽연합 정책의 의제와 위원회의 중요부분에 이 주제를 차지하게하는 것을 강조하고 있다. 1.Editorial 2.Food applications of the new polysaccharides technology 3.'Novel Foods' regulations:Letting EU consumers know what's on the menu 4.From alternative agriculture to the food industry:The need for changes in food policy 5.Integrated chain management of food products 6.A comparison between fundtional food markets in the EU, U.S. and Japan 7.Nutrition policy as a means of health prevent


The IPTS report (26) 스크랩

  • 과학기술과 인문사회

IPTS에서 편집, The European Science and Technology Observatory Network(ESTO)에서 발행한 보고서 생물공학, 정보와 커뮤니케이션 기술, 개혁과 과학기술 정책, methods, 지역개발의 주제에 대한 보고서 수록 1.Editorial 2.Protecting biotechnology from biological weapons 3.Contents vs.distribution:The medium loses to the message 4.The management of intellectual property in publicly funded research 5.Social technology foresight:The case of genetic engineering 6.Technology as a key factor for employment and regional development
