전체 8345
  • FY 2008 Consolidated Health Center Program Budget Period Renewal
    • - Latecia Engram, MSPH, Public Health Analyst (2010/03/04)
    • - Category : Special
    The HRSA Bureau of Primary Health Care's Consolidated Health Center Program will host a pre-applicant teleconference call for existing grantees submitting non-competing continuation applications in FY 2008. The teleconference will provide programmatic technical assistance and identify electronic submission resources.

    FY 2008 Service Area Competition Technical Assistance available at

    FY 2008 Budget Period Renewal Technical Assistance available at

    FY 2008 Consolidated Health Center Program Budget Period Renewal

  • Imaging Demyelination and CNS Repair
    • - Rodriguez, Moses.
      National Institutes of Health (U.S.). Infectious Disease Imaging Interest Group. (2010/03/04)
    • - Category : Infectious Disease Imaging

    Imaging Demyelination and CNS Repair

  • NBS HPOC Functional Training for External Requisitions/Buyer-Acquisitions HPOCs (NIH Only)
    • - NBS Trainers (Crystal/Catherine) (2010/03/04)
    • - Category : NIH Only
    Tools, resources and coaching to assist NBS HPOCs for External Requisition and Buyer-Acquisitions Users in their support role in the community.

    NBS HPOC Functional Training for External Requisitions/Buyer-Acquisitions HPOCs (NIH Only)

  • GMAC - Financial Viability and Vulnerability of SBIR STTR Grantees (HHS Only)
    • - Lorraine Trexler, DFAS and Dan Milstead, DFAS (2010/03/04)
    • - Category : HHS Only
    GMAC Seminar

    Financial Capability Reviews
    Why and how to do a review
    What to do when the grantee's capability appears to be inadequate

    Accounting System Reviews
    Why and how to do a basic review
    When to request DFAS assistance

    Audit Requirements
    For-profit organizations
    Resolution of Audit Findings by DFAS

    Lorraine Trexler , Branch Chief
    Special Review Branch
    Division of Financial Advisory Services (DFAS)

    Dan Milstead , Senior Auditor
    Special Review Branch
    Division of Financial Advisory Services (DFAS)


    GMAC - Financial Viability and Vulnerability of SBIR STTR Grantees (HHS Only)

  • Ethics and Legal Issues Related to Technology Transfer at NIH - Session 4 (HHS Only)
    • - Sinclair, Kate.
      National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/03/04)
    • - Category : HHS Only

    Ethics and Legal Issues Related to Technology Transfer at NIH - Session 4 (HHS Only)

  • CORE 2 - Program Policies and Procedures (HHS Only)
    • - NIH ESA Program (2010/03/04)
    • - Category : HHS Only
    2007 Orientation to NIH Extramural Activities Core Curriculum

    For more information, visit

    CORE 2 - Program Policies and Procedures (HHS Only)

  • Spectrum of Adult Axonal Growth Limited by Nogo and Nogo Receptor: Plasticity, Sprouting and Regeneration
    • - Strittmatter, Stephen M.
      National Library of Medicine (U.S.) (2010/03/04)
    • - Category : Neuroscience

    Spectrum of Adult Axonal Growth Limited by Nogo and Nogo Receptor: Plasticity, Sprouting and Regeneration

  • Africans in the America - A Legacy of Hope, Service and Leadership
    • - Agwunobi, John O.
      National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/03/04)
    • - Category : Special

    Africans in the America - A Legacy of Hope, Service and Leadership

  • Bringing Therapeutic Cancer Vaccines and Immunotherapies Through Development to Licensure (Day 2)
    • - National Cancer Institute (U.S.) (2010/03/04)
    • - Category : Conferences

    Bringing Therapeutic Cancer Vaccines and Immunotherapies Through Development to Licensure (Day 2)

  • The Menstrual Cycle is a Vital Sign
    • - Lawrence Nelson, M.D., NICHD (2010/03/04)
    • - Category : Women's Health
    Women???s Health Special Interest Group (WHSIG) Intramural Program on Research on Women???s Health Sponsored by the NIH Office of Intramural Research and the NIH Office of Research on Women???s Health.

    For more information, visit

    The Menstrual Cycle is a Vital Sign

  • NBS HPOC Training - February 2007 (NIH Only)
    • - NBS (2010/03/04)
    • - Category : NIH Only

    Training on HPOC duties for NBS Internal Requisition HPOCs only.

    NBS HPOC Training - February 2007 (NIH Only)

  • Animal Models: Behaving like Humans or like Animals? (HHS Only)
    • - Crawley, Jacqueline N.
      National Institutes of Health (U.S.). Staff Training-Extramural Programs Committee. (2010/03/04)
    • - Category : HHS Only

    Animal Models: Behaving like Humans or like Animals? (HHS Only)

  • Bringing Therapeutic Cancer Vaccines and Immunotherapies Through Development to Licensure (Day 1)
    • - National Cancer Institute (U.S.) (2010/03/04)
    • - Category : Conferences

    Bringing Therapeutic Cancer Vaccines and Immunotherapies Through Development to Licensure (Day 1)

  • Ethics of Phase 1 Oncology Trial and of Randomized Controlled Trials - 2006 (Session 3)
    • - Ezekiel Emanuel M.D., Ph.D. and Robert Truog, M.D. (2010/03/04)
    • - Category : Bioethics
    Ethical and Regulatory Aspects of Clinical Research

    Department of Clinical Bioethics

    This course is designed to provide a historical context for research regulations and to help researchers and others working in human subject research gain insights and skills into the development of research protocols and their ethical implementation.

    For more information, visit

    Ethics of Phase 1 Oncology Trial and of Randomized Controlled Trials - 2006 (Session 3)

  • Swearing-In Ceremony of John E. Niederhuber, M.D., 13th Director of the National Cancer Institute
    • - National Cancer Institute (U.S.) (2010/03/04)
    • - Category : Special

    Swearing-In Ceremony of John E. Niederhuber, M.D., 13th Director of the National Cancer Institute

  • NIH Research Festival 2006 - Opening Plenary Session
    • - William Gahl, Juan Bonifacino, Steven Sollott and Alan Heldman (2010/03/04)
    • - Category : Conferences
    2006 NIH Research Festival - Gains in Translation from Bench to Bedside

    Disorders of Lysosome-related Organelles
    William Gahl (NHGRI)
    Juan Bonifacino (NICHD)

    Development of the Taxol-coated Stent
    Steven Sollott (NIA)
    Alan Heldman (JHMI)

    For more information, visit

    NIH Research Festival 2006 - Opening Plenary Session

  • The Role of the Gut, Hormones and the Brain in Obesity
    • - Skarulis, Monica C.
      National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/03/04)
    • - Category : Medicine for the Public

    The Role of the Gut, Hormones and the Brain in Obesity

  • Redox Biology: Physiology - Carcinogenesis
    • - Gladwin, Mark T.
      National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/03/04)
    • - Category : Redox Biology

    Redox Biology: Physiology - Carcinogenesis

  • Endogenous and Radiation-Induced DNA Damage Clusters and Their Repair
    • - Betsy Sutherland, Brookhaven National Laboratory (2010/03/04)
    • - Category : DNA Repair
    The DNA Repair Interest Group is concerned with all forms of DNA damage and repair. As a major defense against environmental damage to cells DNA repair is present in all organisms examined including bacteria, yeast, drosophila, fish, amphibians, rodents and humans. The members of the DNA Repair Interest Group perform research in areas including DNA repair enzymology and fine structure, mutagenesis, gene and cell cycle regulation, protein structure, and human disease.

    For more information, visit the
    DNA Repair Interest Group

    Endogenous and Radiation-Induced DNA Damage Clusters and Their Repair

  • 2006 Disability Employment Awareness Month Program (HHS Only)
    • - HHS (2010/03/04)
    • - Category : HHS Only
    Sponsored by PSC, FDA, IHS, HRSA, AHRQ, SAMHSA

    2006 Disability Employment Awareness Month Program (HHS Only)