- Mechanisms of Memory-Guided Behavior in Prefrontal Cortex, Entorhinal Cortex and Hippocampus
- - Hasselmo, Michael E.
National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/03/04) - - Category : Neuroscience
- - Hasselmo, Michael E.
Mechanisms of Memory-Guided Behavior in Prefrontal Cortex, Entorhinal Cortex and Hippocampus
- TRACO: Molecular Targets - siRNA
- - Gutierrez, M.
National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/03/04) - - Category : TRACO
- - Gutierrez, M.
TRACO: Molecular Targets - siRNA
- Structure, Origin and Mechanism of the Nuclear Pore Complex
- - Michael P. Rout, Ph.D., Rockefeller University (2010/03/04)
- - Category : Wednesday Afternoon Lectures
- A discussion on recent progress made to determine the molecular architecture and evolutionary origin of the nuclear pore complex, and how results indicate the mechanism whereby the nuclear pore complex mediates nucleocytoplasmic trafficking.
Michael Rout is a PECASE recipient, a Rita Allen Foundation Scholar, a recipient of an Irma T. Hirschl Career Scientist Award, and Associate Professor and Head of the Laboratory of Cellular and Structural Biology at the Rockefeller University. He obtained his Ph.D. at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology and the University of Cambridge in 1989, and then joined Gunter Blobel챠s' laboratory at Rockefeller University for post-doctoral studies. During his Ph.D. he isolated the spindle organizer from yeast, and building on this expertise isolated the yeast nuclear pore complex in Blobel챠s' laboratory
Michael Rout
Structure, Origin and Mechanism of the Nuclear Pore Complex
- SAP: Mini-Modulator of Humoral Immunity and Th2 Differentiation
- - Cannons, Jennifer.
National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/03/04) - - Category : Immunology
- - Cannons, Jennifer.
SAP: Mini-Modulator of Humoral Immunity and Th2 Differentiation
- Travel HPOC-OA Seminar October 2004 (NIH Only)
- - Terry Chester, NBS (2010/03/04)
- - Category : NIH Only
- Current NBS travel topics plus panel discussion
Travel HPOC-OA Seminar October 2004 (NIH Only)
- Third Annual Inaugural Lecture on the Latest in Mood Disorders Research
- - Manji, Husseini K.
National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/03/04) - - Category : Special
- - Manji, Husseini K.
Third Annual Inaugural Lecture on the Latest in Mood Disorders Research
- Special Subjects and Subject Selection - Session 3
- - Agrawal, Manish.
National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/03/04) - - Category : Bioethics
- - Agrawal, Manish.
Special Subjects and Subject Selection - Session 3
- Molecular Genetic Reporter Strategies for Imaging Protein Function and Protein-Protein Interactions In Living Animals
- - Piwnica-Worms, David Rolland.
National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/03/04) - - Category : Clinical Center Grand Rounds
- - Piwnica-Worms, David Rolland.
Molecular Genetic Reporter Strategies for Imaging Protein Function and Protein-Protein Interactions In Living Animals
- Novel Mutators and Correction of Replication Errors in E Coli
- - Dr. Roel Schaaper, NIEHS (2010/03/04)
- - Category : DNA Repair
- The DNA Repair Interest Group is concerned with all forms of DNA damage and repair. As a major defense against environmental damage to cells DNA repair is present in all organisms examined including bacteria, yeast, drosophila, fish, amphibians, rodents and humans. The members of the DNA Repair Interest Group perform research in areas including DNA repair enzymology and fine structure, mutagenesis, gene and cell cycle regulation, protein structure, and human disease.
For more information, visit the
DNA Repair Interest Group
Novel Mutators and Correction of Replication Errors in E Coli
- The Career Management Cycle
- - The NIH Work/Life Center (WLC) (2010/03/04)
- - Category : Work/Life Center
- Do you struggle when asked where you see yourself professionally in five years? In ten years? Job search is only a small part of career development. The Career Management Cycle is a comprehensive model of career planning that will help you understand where you are now, where you want to go, and how you can get there.
The NIH Work/Life Center (WLC), in cooperation with the NIH Employee Assistance Program, presents the seventh annual ???Faces & Phases of Life??? seminar series for fall 2004.
For more information, visit
The Career Management Cycle
- Evidence-Based Education: Preventing Reading Failure in America
- - Lyon, G Reid.
National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/03/04) - - Category : Medicine for the Public
- - Lyon, G Reid.
Evidence-Based Education: Preventing Reading Failure in America
- NEI Symposium: Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) and Complement Factor H
- - Pangburn, Michael.
National Eye Institute. (2010/03/04) - - Category : Conferences
- - Pangburn, Michael.
NEI Symposium: Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) and Complement Factor H
- A Personal History of DNA Damage and Repair Research 1960-2005
- - Kohn, Kurt W.
National Institutes of Health (U.S.). DNA Repair Interest Group. (2010/03/04) - - Category : DNA Repair
- - Kohn, Kurt W.
A Personal History of DNA Damage and Repair Research 1960-2005
- Management and Manifestations of Chronic Insomnia in Adults (Day 2)
- - NIH (2010/03/04)
- - Category : Conferences
- For more information, visit
Management and Manifestations of Chronic Insomnia in Adults (Day 2)
- GM Cancer Research Foundation 2005: Breast Cancer (Day 1)
- - General Motors Cancer Research Foundation. Scientific Conference
National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/03/04) - - Category : Conferences
- - General Motors Cancer Research Foundation. Scientific Conference
GM Cancer Research Foundation 2005: Breast Cancer (Day 1)
- Management and Manifestations of Chronic Insomnia in Adults (Day 1)
- - NIH (2010/03/04)
- - Category : Conferences
- For more information, visit
Management and Manifestations of Chronic Insomnia in Adults (Day 1)
- A Neuronal Mechanism for Visual Spatial Attention
- - Wurtz, Robert H.
National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/03/04) - - Category : Neuroscience
- - Wurtz, Robert H.
A Neuronal Mechanism for Visual Spatial Attention
- Genomic Imprinting at the IGF2/H19 Locus
- - Karl Pfeifer, Ph.D., Laboratory of Mammalian Genes and Development, NICHD (2010/03/04)
- - Category : NIH Director's Seminars
- NIH Director's Seminar Series
For more information, visit
2004-2005 Director's Seminar Series
Genomic Imprinting at the IGF2/H19 Locus
- NIDCR Meeting on Research Training
- - National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (U.S.) (2010/03/04)
- - Category : Conferences
NIDCR Meeting on Research Training
- Sleep Disorders Research Advisory Board - June 2005
- - National Center on Sleep Disorders Research (National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute). Sleep Disorders Research Advisory Board. Meeting (2010/03/04)
- - Category : National Center on Sleep Disorders Research (NHLBI)
Sleep Disorders Research Advisory Board - June 2005