전체 8345
  • Imaging Early Events in Human Stroke: The Discovery of Novel Therapeutic Targets
    • - Steven Warach, M.D., Ph.D., Section on Stroke Diagnostics and Therapeutics, NINDS (2010/03/04)
    • - Category : NIH Director's Seminars
    NIH Director's Seminar Series

    For more information, visit
    2003-2004 Director's Seminar Series

    Imaging Early Events in Human Stroke: The Discovery of Novel Therapeutic Targets

  • Who???s on First? Managing Life Transitions
    • - Michael Bowler, Ph.D., NIH Employee Assistance Program (2010/03/04)
    • - Category : Work/Life Center
    As many of us are discovering, there are no certainties in today???s workplace. As a result of this and other forces in modern society, stages of life - education, work, family, leisure - are reshuffling, and tend to reappear throughout our life cycles. Join us to learn how you can better manage transitions in this new world.

    The NIH Work/Life Center, in conjunction with the Employee Assistance Program, is pleased to announce the "Faces and Phases of Life" seminar series. This successful series brings expert speakers to campus to address a broad range of quality of work and quality of life issues.

    For more information, visit the
    NIH Work/Life Center

    Who???s on First? Managing Life Transitions

  • Molecular Mechanisms of Neuronal Exocytosis
    • - Jahn, Reinhard.
      National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/03/04)
    • - Category : Neuroscience

    Molecular Mechanisms of Neuronal Exocytosis

  • AIP1 Endosomal Sorting Complex ESCRT-III are Components of HIV Budding Machinery
    • - Gottlinger, Heinrich.
      National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/03/04)
    • - Category : HIV Drug Resistance

    AIP1 Endosomal Sorting Complex ESCRT-III are Components of HIV Budding Machinery

  • Clinical Proteomics: Next Revolution in Molecular Medicine and Lymphoma: Mirror of the Normal Immune System
    • - Liotta, L A.
      National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/03/04)
    • - Category : Clinical Center Grand Rounds

    Clinical Proteomics: Next Revolution in Molecular Medicine and Lymphoma: Mirror of the Normal Immune System

  • The STAT3 Transcription Factor as a Cancer Target
    • - James E. Darnell, Jr., M.D., Rockefeller University (2010/03/04)
    • - Category : Wednesday Afternoon Lectures
    For almost 20 years our laboratory has been devoted to how polypeptide ligand-receptor interaction at the cell surface activates genes. Recognition of the STAT transcription factors came from this interest. We continue to pursue how the STATs activate genes, particularly in enhanceosomal configurations. Recently because of its biological importance we have concentrated on STAT3. Our long range goal (? we hope not too optimistic) is to provide information for anti-cancer drug targets. The pathway to this goal follows this logic. STAT3 is persistently active in a large percentage of human cancers and functions to prevent apoptosis of the cancer cell. Dominant negative inhibitors of STAT3 introduced into several different types of cultured human cancer cells cause apoptosis in cancer cells.

    For more information, visit
    James Darnell

    The STAT3 Transcription Factor as a Cancer Target

  • Ethical and Regulatory Aspects of Clinical Research Course 4
    • - Agrawal, Manish.
      National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/03/04)
    • - Category : Bioethics

    Ethical and Regulatory Aspects of Clinical Research Course 4

  • The Functional Genomics of Critical Illness and Injury (Day 2)
    • - National Institutes of Health (U.S.). Clinical Center. Critical Care Medicine Dept. (2010/03/04)
    • - Category : Conferences

    The Functional Genomics of Critical Illness and Injury (Day 2)

  • DNA Damage Cell Cycle Checkpoint: Beyond Buying Time for Repair
    • - Li, Lei.
      National Institutes of Health (U.S.). DNA Repair Interest Group. (2010/03/04)
    • - Category : DNA Repair

    DNA Damage Cell Cycle Checkpoint: Beyond Buying Time for Repair

  • Transdisciplinary Tobacco Research Centers Pre-Application Meeting
    • - National Cancer Institute (U.S.). Tobacco Control Research Branch. (2010/03/04)
    • - Category : Special

    Transdisciplinary Tobacco Research Centers Pre-Application Meeting

  • Zinc-Finger Protein HIV-1 Nucleocapsid p7 Studied by Electron Capture Dissociation ESI-FTMS
    • - Kellersberger, Katherine.
      National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/03/04)
    • - Category : Mass Spectrometry Interest Group of the NCI at Frederick

    Zinc-Finger Protein HIV-1 Nucleocapsid p7 Studied by Electron Capture Dissociation ESI-FTMS

  • From Embryonic Stem Cells to Oocytes: A stepwise approach to nuclear transfer therapy (NIH ONLY)
    • - Hans Robert Scholer, Ph.D., School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Pennsylvania (2010/03/04)
    • - Category : NIH Only
    The Stem Cell Interest Group was established to enhance communication and to foster collaboration among scientists from varying disciplines interested in stem cells. Topics of interest include fundamental stem cell biology, ontogeny, gerontology, and the therapeutic potential of stem cells. The SCIG serves as an open forum for discussion and dissemination of knowledge about all aspects of stem cell biology.

    For more information, visit
    The Stem Cell Interest Group

    From Embryonic Stem Cells to Oocytes: A stepwise approach to nuclear transfer therapy (NIH ONLY)

  • July 2003 HR All Hands Meeting (NIH Only)
    • - Robert Hosenfeld, Director, OHR, OD (2010/03/04)
    • - Category : NIH Only
    NIH Human Resources is holding an all hands meeting

    July 2003 HR All Hands Meeting (NIH Only)

  • AIDS: Window on Infectious Disease
    • - Henry Masur, M.D., Warren Grant Magnuson Clinical Center (2010/03/04)
    • - Category : Summer Lectures
    2003 Summer Lecture Series for Students
    Research at the Frontier

    Henry Masur, M.D.
    Chief, Critical Care Medicine Department
    Warren Grant Magnuson Clinical Center

    For more information, visit

    AIDS: Window on Infectious Disease

  • Tools for Discovery ??? Imaging Molecular Events in Living Cells
    • - Almers, W.
      National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/03/04)
    • - Category : Special

    Tools for Discovery ??? Imaging Molecular Events in Living Cells

  • Physical Disabilities Through the Lifespan (Day 1)
    • - National Center for Medical Rehabilitation Research, NICHD (2010/03/04)
    • - Category : Conferences
    With improvements in health care, developed nations face an unprecedented increase in the number of older individuals living more active lives. Yet, with these advances comes an increase in the number of older individuals with disabilities, resulting from those with serious disabilities living longer, and from the increased prevalence of disabilities associated with aging. This conference will focus on the special problems faced by individuals with physical disabilities as they age.

    For more information, visit

    Physical Disabilities Through the Lifespan (Day 1)

  • 50th Anniversary of the Clinical Center
    • - NIH (2010/03/04)
    • - Category : Special
    Ceremony in the Masur Auditorium, 1-2 P.M.

    For more information, visit
    50th Anniversary of the Clinical Center

    50th Anniversary of the Clinical Center

  • Advances in Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging
    • - Pettigrew, Roderic.
      National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/03/04)
    • - Category : Summer Lectures

    Advances in Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging

  • From Nose to Brain: The Road to Reproduction
    • - Wray, Susan.
      National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (2010/03/04)
    • - Category : Summer Lectures

    From Nose to Brain: The Road to Reproduction

  • NCI - Board of Scientific Advisors (Day 2)
    • - NCI Board of Scientific Advisors. Meeting 2003 : (2010/03/04)
    • - Category : Advisory Boards

    NCI - Board of Scientific Advisors (Day 2)