

Milner Institute Bioinformatics group

The Milner Therapeutics Institute sits jointly within the School of Biological Sciences and School of Clinical Medicine at the University of Cambridge. The aim of the Institute is to embed intellectual innovation into the development of drug therapies by providing basic and clinical research around potential drugs. The Institute is a collaborative enterprise between Cambridge researchers/clinicians and pharmaceutical/biotech companies and will focus on a number of areas; i) cancer ii) neurological disorders iii) immune-inflammation and iv) infection but any therapeutic area of interest to partners can be pursued. Collaborative projects are expected to produce joint publications. The Institute will foster an inter-disciplinary, cross-therapeutic environment with dynamic translation and cross-validation of findings from in silico to in vitro and from one therapy area to another. The objectives are to: ♣ Build a world-leading eco-system in Cambridge dedicated to the conversion of science into therapies ♣ Develop new ideas and technologies to identify and advance novel therapies ♣ Increase understanding of the mechanisms by which drugs work The Milner Therapeutics Institute will connect the entire research potential of Cambridge University and surrounding institutes with the chemistry and biotechnology power of many pharmaceutical companies. It will be a model for future engagement of academia with industry in the delivery of better medicines. By creating a critical mass of translational expertise at Cambridge and fostering an unprecedented environment of collaboration we aim to accelerate the rate of medical advancement. The Milner Therapeutics Institute is currently setting up its computational biology research group. The main aim will be to develop cutting-edge bioinformatics technology and apply new computational methods to identify new or better therapies from the analysis of biological data across therapeutic areas. Activities will include the development and application of machine learning, statistical and mathematical approaches to pharmacogenomics and drug discovery, strongly focusing on the use of publicly available data, and utilising experimental data generated on purpose by Milner Therapeutics Consortium partner companies and academic institutions. Projects within the computational research group will include (1) identification of new therapeutic targets in a variety of diseases, (2) stratification of patients to improve personalised medicine, (3) prediction of efficacy and safety of new and existing drugs and (4) identification of drug positioning/repositioning opportunities.

#bioinformatics #disease models #and robotics for customised phenotypic




University of Cambridge (학교)



Namshik Han n.han@milner.cam.ac.uk

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