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연구실 목록
연구실명 기관명 책임자명 분야
Dexterous Robotics Group University of Bristol Nathan Lepora 기계
Engine modelling research group Oxford Brookes University 양창호 기계
Materials Design Group 임페리얼칼리지런던 아론 월쉬 재료
Centre for Computational Science and Mathematical Modelling 코벤트리 대학 Damien Foster 정보통신
Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage (EECS) Laboratory 헤리엇와트대학교 배도원 에너지
Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research 김영재 에너지
Autophagy and neurodegeneration University of Cambridge David C Rubinsztein 생명과학
Milner Institute Bioinformatics group University of Cambridge Namshik Han 생명과학
Bone and Joint Research Group University of Southampton 생명과학
Acoustics Research Unit University of Liverpool Carl Hopkins 건설교통
Acoustics Research Unit University of Liverpool Carl Hopkins
JTSI group University of St Andrews John T S Irvine 화학
Durrant Group Imperial College London James Durrant 화학
Laboratory for Archaeology and History of Art University of Oxford
The Centre for Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Research The University of Birmingham Robert Steinberger-Wilckens 에너지
Today'models Tomorrow's futures PML(Plymouth Marine Laboratory) Icarus Allen (Dr.) 지구과학
Thermodynamic Lab University of Lincoln 진성호 기계
CVSSP University of Surrey Adrian Hilton 전기전자
Industrial Control Centre University of Strathclyde Prof William Leithead 에너지
Enzyme Chemical Biology University of Southampton Dr. Seung Seo Lee 화학
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