동적/비정형 환경의 로봇 이동지능 기술 동향
Technical Trends of Mobile Robot Intelligence in Dynamic and Unstructured Environments
조현규 (H.K. Cho, hkcho@etri.re.kr) 로봇작업지능연구실 책임연구원
유원필 (W.P. Yu, ywp@etri.re.kr) 로봇작업지능연구실 책임연구원/실장
임을균 (E.G. Lim, eg_lim@etri.re.kr) 로봇작업지능연구실 책임연구원
송수환 (S.H. Song, soohwansong@etri.re.kr) 로봇작업지능연구실 선임연구원
Mobile robot intelligence refers to planning the path of robots to move indoors and outdoors and establishing
a physical action plan that can be driven safely and smoothly according to the surrounding environments’
structures. This report introduces technical issues in mobile robot intelligence. Furthermore, we describe the
latest mobile intelligence technology of four-legged walking, logistics, and agricultural robots. Finally, we discuss
mobile robot intelligence research prospects and its potential for solving real-world problems.
KEYWORDS 강화학습, 공간인식, 로봇이동, 모델예측, 자율주행