시맨틱 통신 연구 동향
Trend of Semantic Communication
권동승 (D.S. Kwon, dskwon@etri.re.kr) 지능형스몰셀연구실 책임연구원
나지현 (J.H. Na, jhna@etri.re.kr) 지능형스몰셀연구실 책임연구원/실장
Shannon and Weaver‘s semantic communication has been actively studied in recent years as a new
communication method to provide intelligent mobile services without requiring more capacity, infrastructure,
and energy, even with limited radio resources. Considered a breakthrough beyond the Shannon paradigm,
semantic communication aims at successfully transmitting semantic information conveyed by a source rather
than accurately receiving each symbol or bit, regardless of meaning. Thus, semantic communication can lead
to knowledgeable systems that significantly reduce data traffic because the transmitter only transmits the
necessary information related to a specific task. This study describes essential differences between existing
and semantic communication, research trends related to semantic communication principles and theory,
performance metrics of semantic communication, semantic communication system framework, and future
research and development issues.
KEYWORDS 6G, beyond 5G, semantic communication, semantic theory