전체 8345
  • CC Grand Rounds: (1) The Magnitude of Radiation in Diagnostic Imaging and the Associated Risks (2) Approaches to Reducing Radiation Exposure in Cardiovascular CT
    • - (1) Andrew E. Arai, MD, Chief, Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Branch, NHLBI (2) Marcus Y. Chen, MD, Staff Clinician and Director, Cardiovascular CT, Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Branch, NHLBI (2012/03/03)
    • - Category : Clinical Center Grand Rounds
    Radiation in Diagnostic Imaging and the Associated Risks and Reducing Radiation Exposure in Cardiovascular CT

    For more information go to http://www.cc.nih.gov/about/news/grcurrent.html

    CC Grand Rounds: (1) The Magnitude of Radiation in Diagnostic Imaging and the Associated Risks (2) Approaches to Reducing Radiation Exposure in Cardiovascular CT

  • Phalanx or Traitor? Impact of Gut Microbial Communities on Insect Health
    • - Dr. Jo Handelsman, Yale University (2012/03/03)
    • - Category : Wednesday Afternoon Lectures
    Research in the Handelsman lab focuses on understanding diversity in microbial communities and the role of microbial communities in infectious disease. In particular, we are interested in understanding a gut community that serves as a source of opportunistic pathogens, and the soil microbial community as a source of new genes and proteins. To study opportunistic pathogens, we developed a model system with the normal gut microbiota in lepidopteran insects. These normally benign bacteria kill the host under certain conditions, and our work aims to determine the mechanistic basis for host death. To explore microbial diversity, we use functional metagenomics to probe genetic and biochemical diversity in microbial communities. Metagenomics circumvents culturing, thereby capturing genetic information from organisms that cannot be cultured by standard methods, which represent the majority of the microbial world. Through this approach, we have discovered novel antibiotics and antibiotic resistance genes, some of which encode bifunctional proteins.

    The NIH Wednesday Afternoon Lecture Series includes weekly scientific talks by some of the top researchers in the biomedical sciences worldwide.

    For more information, visit:
    The NIH Directors Wednesday Afternoon Lecture Series

    Phalanx or Traitor? Impact of Gut Microbial Communities on Insect Health

  • The National Cancer Advisory Board Meeting - February 2012
    • - NCI (2012/03/02)
    • - Category : National Cancer Advisory Board
    The 161st meeting of the National Cancer Advisory Board

    The National Cancer Advisory Board Meeting - February 2012

  • ORS Directors Brown Bag Lunch Series - February 2012 (NIH Only)
    • - ORS (2012/03/02)
    • - Category : NIH Only
    This optional lunch series is designed to bring together ORS FTE employees in an informal setting to receive the latest information, ask questions, provide feedback and generally discuss and interact on topics of the day.

    For more information, visit:

    ORS Directors Brown Bag Lunch Series - February 2012 (NIH Only)

  • The NIH Health Care Systems Research Collaboratory ??? Pragmatic Clinical Trials Demonstration Projects (UH2/UH3) Technical Assistance Videocast
    • - Catherine Meyers (2012/03/02)
    • - Category : Special
    Pre-application session to provide technical assistance information and an opportunity for NIH staff to explain the goals and objectives of RFA-RM-12-002: NIH Health Care Systems Research Collaboratory - Pragmatic Clinical Trials Demonstration Projects (UH2/UH3).

    The NIH Health Care Systems Research Collaboratory ??? Pragmatic Clinical Trials Demonstration Projects (UH2/UH3) Technical Assistance Videocast

  • Phenylketonura Scientific Review Conference: State of the Science and Future Research Needs (Day 2)
    • - ORDR (2012/03/01)
    • - Category : Conferences
    PKU Meeting in the Natcher Auditorium, February 22-23, 2012. Sponsored by: NICHD, the Office of Rare Diseases Research and the Office of Dietary Supplements.

    Phenylketonura Scientific Review Conference: State of the Science and Future Research Needs (Day 2)

  • Negotiating Offers and Making the Transition (Non-Academic)
    • - Lori Conlan, PhD (2012/03/01)
    • - Category : Career Development/OITE
    Career Development

    This session will cover the basics of what to look for in a job offer and how to negotiate the offer (if you even should negotiate). We will also cover how to make the tansition to your new job easier by planning ahead. Topics will include: salary ranges, what to look at in the benefits package, and surviving your first 90 days. This session is appropriate for trainees moving into industry, non-profits, or other similar positions. Note: This session will NOT cover academic faculty positions, please see academic specific sessions under the prior events tab of the OITE Web page.

    For more information go to https://www.training.nih.gov

    Negotiating Offers and Making the Transition (Non-Academic)

  • PTSD: Treatment and Prevention
    • - Barbara O. Rothbaum, Ph.D., ABPP, Emory University School of Medicine (2012/02/29)
    • - Category : BSSR Lecture Series
    BSSR Lecture Series

    In the US, approximately 70% of adults will experience a traumatic event and 20% will develop posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Both civilian and combat-related PTSD are major public health concerns with long term medical and mental health sequelae. Initial but transient PTSD symptoms may be considered part of the normal reaction to trauma, as they occur almost universally following severe enough traumas. In contrast, those who suffer from chronic PTSD show decreasing PTSD symptoms in the first month following trauma, which then remain fairly steady across time. They do not worsen; they just don't extinguish their original fear reactions. Therefore, PTSD can be viewed as a failure of recovery caused in part by a failure of fear extinction following trauma. Exposure therapy follows the same paradigms as extinction training and has received more evidence of its efficacy for treating PTSD than any other intervention. In this lecture, PTSD will be reviewed and treatments for PTSD will be discussed, with data on the efficacy of each, including exposure therapy (both imaginal exposure and virtual reality exposure therapy), EMDR, and pharmacotherapy. These are treatments for chronic PTSD. An important goal is secondary prevention, trying to intervene for those at risk in an attempt to prevent the development of PTSD. In the same way that there are rapid ED-based protocols for stroke or heart attack, we envision a personalized ED-based rapid intervention protocol that may prevent the development of PTSD following trauma. In translational research based on basic, preclinical, and clinical models for the consolidation of fear memories, pilot data with 137 emergency department (ED) patients seen an average of 11-12 hours after trauma exposure, randomly assigned to receive 3 sessions of exposure therapy beginning in the ED or assessment only, will be presented and discussed.

    PTSD: Treatment and Prevention

  • When Thoughts Become Actions: Imaging Disorders of Consciousness
    • - Adrian Owen, PhD, University of Western Ontario, Canada (2012/02/29)
    • - Category : Neuroscience
    Neuroscience Seminar Series

    Dr. Owens lab research combines functional neuroimaging (fMRI, PET, EEG), with neuropsychological studies in brain-injured patients and healthy volunteers. They seek to understand the effects of brain injury in order to improve diagnosis and early detection and to find possible new treatments. For example, they study patients who have sustained the sorts of severe brain injuries that result in vegetative state and other so-called ???disorders of consciousness???. They also study neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson???s and Alzheimer???s in order to try to understand more about the causes and consequences of the memory, perception and reasoning problems that many of these patients experience. Finally, they develop web-based tools for the assessment of cognitive function in health and disease (cambridgebrainsciences.com) and investigate different ways to rehabilitate or train the human brain.

    For more information go to http://neuroseries.info.nih.gov

    When Thoughts Become Actions: Imaging Disorders of Consciousness

  • 5th Annual Biospecimen Research Network (BRN) Symposium (Day 1)
    • - The National Cancer Institute Office of Biorepositories and Biospecimen Research (OBBR) (2012/02/28)
    • - Category : Conferences
    Human biospecimens are the foundation of the translational research that will transform patient care. The primary goal of the symposium is to address the following:

    ??? Impact of preanalytical variations in collecting, handling, processing, and storing biospecimens on cancer research and molecular medicine
    ??? Advances in biospecimen science aimed at minimizing the impact of these variations The meeting will feature expert presentations, interactive discussions, and poster presentations from a broad range of stakeholders whose work involves biospecimens, including researchers, clinicians, industry representatives, and patient advocates.

    5th Annual Biospecimen Research Network (BRN) Symposium (Day 1)

  • 5th Annual Biospecimen Research Network (BRN) Symposium (Day 2)
    • - The National Cancer Institute Office of Biorepositories and Biospecimen Research (OBBR) (2012/02/28)
    • - Category : Conferences
    Human biospecimens are the foundation of the translational research that will transform patient care. The primary goal of the symposium is to address the following:

    ??? Impact of preanalytical variations in collecting, handling, processing, and storing biospecimens on cancer research and molecular medicine
    ??? Advances in biospecimen science aimed at minimizing the impact of these variations The meeting will feature expert presentations, interactive discussions, and poster presentations from a broad range of stakeholders whose work involves biospecimens, including researchers, clinicians, industry representatives, and patient advocates.

    5th Annual Biospecimen Research Network (BRN) Symposium (Day 2)

  • Phenylketonura Scientific Review Conference: State of the Science and Future Research Needs (Day 1)
    • - ORDR (2012/02/26)
    • - Category : Conferences
    PKU Meeting in the Natcher Auditorium, February 22-23, 2012. Sponsored by: NICHD, the Office of Rare Diseases Research and the Office of Dietary Supplements.

    Phenylketonura Scientific Review Conference: State of the Science and Future Research Needs (Day 1)

  • Save Your Heart: How to Lower Your Chance of Getting Heart Disease
    • - Dr. Denise Simons-Morton (2012/02/26)
    • - Category : Focus on You Wellness
    Focus on You Wellness Lecture

    The National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI), Office of Research Services, NIH Health and Wellness Council and the R&W Fitness and Wellness Program are proud to present a series of seminars and lectures celebrating February Heart Health Month.

    Our series will continue with a lecture on Save Your Heart: How to Lower Your Chance of Getting Heart Disease with Dr. Denise Simons-Morton.

    Dr. Simons-Morton, a preventive medicine physician and clinical researcher, is also certified as a group exercise instructor by the Aerobics and Fitness Association of America

    Save Your Heart: How to Lower Your Chance of Getting Heart Disease

  • STEP - Disaster Strikes: Responses from NIH and Beyond (HHS Only)
    • - Victoria Bishton (2012/02/25)
    • - Category : STEP (HHS Only)
    Hurricanes, tsunamis, quakes and tornadoes - who is there to pick up the pieces? From Katrina to Haiti, NIH first responders and their humanitarian partners have been on the ground providing relief, acute care, and long term follow-up. Come to this forum to learn what your colleagues and others do and how you can help when the next disaster strikes.

    For more information go to http://nih-extramural-intranet.od.nih.gov/nih/training/step/step_training_20120223.htm

    STEP - Disaster Strikes: Responses from NIH and Beyond (HHS Only)

  • CC Grand Rounds: (1) Clinical and Genetic Investigations of Tumors of the Adrenal Gland: Research on the Adrenal Cortex and Adrenal Medulla
    • - Constantine A.Stratakis, MD, D(Med)Sci, Scientific Director, NICHD and Karel Pacak, MD, PhD, DSci, Senior Investigator and Chief, Section on Medical Neuroendocrinology, Reproductive Biology and Medicine Branch, NICHD (2012/02/24)
    • - Category : Clinical Center Grand Rounds
    Research on Adrenal Cortex and Adrenal Medulla

    For more information go to http://www.cc.nih.gov/about/news/grcurrent.html

    CC Grand Rounds: (1) Clinical and Genetic Investigations of Tumors of the Adrenal Gland: Research on the Adrenal Cortex and Adrenal Medulla

  • Genome Integrity and Cancer Prevention: Molecular Mechanisms of DNA Repair
    • - Wei Yang, Ph.D., Section Chief, Laboratory of Molecular Biology, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, NIH (2012/02/24)
    • - Category : Wednesday Afternoon Lectures
    G. Burroughs Mider Lecture
    Established in 1968 in honor of the first NIH director of laboratories and clinics. The lecture is presented by an NIH intramural scientist to recognize and appreciate outstanding contributions to biomedical research.

    DNA mismatch repair and translesion synthesis are two essential processes accompanying (or associated with) DNA replication and cell division to ensure genome stability and integrity. Failure in either of these processes leads to an increased mutation rate in all organisms and increased cancer propensity in humans. Although the genes and proteins involved in these pathways were identified more than ten years ago, we are still far away from understanding the molecular mechanisms and from the ultimate goal of using our knowledge to conquer cancer. In this seminar, I will show what we have learned about these processes using structural and molecular approaches. The focus will be on (1) how the mismatch repair proteins MutS and MutL remove mutations and protect us from colon cancers and Lynch Syndrome, and (2) how the special human DNA polymerase functions as a double agent that reduces both UV-damage induced skin cancers and the efficacy of platinum-based chemotherapy.

    The NIH Wednesday Afternoon Lecture Series includes weekly scientific talks by some of the top researchers in the biomedical sciences worldwide.

    For more information, visit:
    The NIH Directors Wednesday Afternoon Lecture Series

    Genome Integrity and Cancer Prevention: Molecular Mechanisms of DNA Repair

  • ATM physically and functionally interacts with PCNA to regulate DNA synthesis
    • - Dr Chris Bakkenist, University of Pittsburgh (2012/02/23)
    • - Category : DNA Repair
    DNA Repair Interest Group videoconference

    ATM physically and functionally interacts with PCNA to regulate DNA synthesis

  • Demystifying Medicine- Taste: good and bad
    • - Nicholas Ryba and Robert Henkin (2012/02/23)
    • - Category : Demystifying Medicine
    The course includes presentation of patients, pathology, diagnosis and therapy in the context of major disease problems and current research. Primarily directed toward Ph.D. students, fellows, and staff, it is also of interest to medical students and clinicians. The course is designed to help bridge the gap between advances in biology and their application to major human diseases. Each session includes clinical and basic science components which are presented by NIH staff and outside invitees.

    For more information go to http://demystifyingmedicine.od.nih.gov/

    Demystifying Medicine- Taste: good and bad

  • Epithelial Progenitor Cell-Neuronal Communication: Implications for Tissue Regeneration
    • - Matthew Hoffman, BDS, Ph.D., Chief, Matrix and Morphogenesis Unit, Laboratory of Cell and Developmental Biology, NIDCR (2012/02/22)
    • - Category : NIH Directors Seminars
    NIH Directors Seminar Series

    To understand the developmental mechanisms of salivary gland development with emphasis on growth factor/matrix interactions, progenitor cell function, and the genetic regulation of branching morphogenesis; we aim to develop therapeutic approaches for the functional regeneration of damaged adult salivary tissue.

    For more information, visit: http://www.nih.gov/about/director/dirsem.htm

    Epithelial Progenitor Cell-Neuronal Communication: Implications for Tissue Regeneration

  • NIH Health Care Systems Research Collaboratory - Coordinating Center Technical Assistance VideoCast
    • - Laura Lee Johnson (2012/02/22)
    • - Category : Special
    Pre-application session to provide technical assistance information and an opportunity for NIH staff to explain the goals and objectives of RFA-RM-11-021 NIH Health Care Systems Research Collaboratory ??? Coordinating Center (U54).

    NIH Health Care Systems Research Collaboratory - Coordinating Center Technical Assistance VideoCast