European Commission
Against a background of fierce global competition, a solid European approach is needed, building on the European strategy for AI presented in April 20181. To address the opportunities and challenges of AI, the EU must act as one and define its own way, based on European values, to promote the development and deployment of AI.
The Commission is committed to enabling scientific breakthrough, to preserving the EU’s technological leadership and to ensuring that new technologies are at the service of all Europeans – improving their lives while respecting their rights.
Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announced in her political Guidelines2 a coordinated European approach on the human and ethical implications of AI as well as a reflection on the better use of big data for innovation.
Thus, the Commission supports a regulatory and investment oriented approach with the twin objective of promoting the uptake of AI and of addressing the risks associated with certain uses of this new technology. The purpose of this White Paper is to set out policy options on how to achieve these objectives. It does not address +the development and use of AI for military purposes.The Commission invites Member States, other European institutions, and all stakeholders, including industry, social partners, civil society organisations, researchers, the public in general and any interested party, to react to the options below and to contribute to the Commission’s future decision-making in this domain.
추천 리포트
[동향보고서] 인공지능 편향성 이슈와 신뢰성 확보 방안
[동향보고서] 미국의 인공지능(AI) 인력 현황 분석
[동향보고서] 유럽의 인공지능 윤리정책 현황과 시사점
[동향보고서] 인공지능 학습용 영상 데이터 기술 동향
[동향보고서] 미국 CSET, 인공지능 인력 보고서 발표
[동향보고서] 인공지능 프로세서 컴파일러 개발 동향
[동향보고서] 병렬 컴퓨팅 기반 인공지능 프로세서 기술 동향
[동향보고서] [보건산업브리프Vol.292] 디지털헬스 의료기기(SaMD)규제기준 정립 및 진료행위 코드 마련
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