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전체 46818

전체 46818

Manufacturing Extension Partnership Program : An Overview 스크랩

  • Wendy H. Schacht
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  • 기계

The Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988, P.L. 100-418, created a program of regional centers to assist small and medium-sized manufacturing companies use knowledge and technologies developed under the auspices of the National Institute of Standards and Technology(NIST), a laboratory of the Department of Commerce. Now Known as the Mnufacturing Extension Partnership(MEP), centers in all 50 states and Puerto Rico provide technical and managerial assistance to firms. Federal funding is is matched by non-federal sources. Support for the program increased 19% between FY 1997 and FY 1998, to $113.5 million. Funding for FY1999 fell to $106.8 million, reflecting a decrease in the federal portion of financing from one-half to one-third as individual centers operate longer that 6 years.. P.L. 106-113, the Consolidated Appropriations Act, provided $104.2 million to operate the MEP program in FY 2000 after the mandated recision, 2% less than FY1999. In the FY2001 budget, the President requested $114.1 million, 9.5% above the previous year's funding. Part of this increase was to allow the centers to work with the Department of Agriculture and the Small Business Administration on an e-commerce outreach program. P.L. 106-553 appropriates $105.1 million for the Manufacturing Extension Program but does not fund any new initiatives.


China:Suspected Acquistion of U.S. nuclear Weapon Secrets 스크랩

  • Shirley A. Kan
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  • 과학기술과 인문사회

This report discusses suspected Chinese acquisition of U.S. nuclear weapon data, including that on the W88, the newest miniature U.S. nuclear warhead, from the Los Alamos National Laboratory in the 1980s, first publicly reported in January 1999. This is the third reported case involving China's possible compromise of U.S. nuclear weapon secrets in the 1980s. A fourth publicized case suggests that China may have sought more neutron bomb data in 1995. Based on public information, this report presents background on the alleged security problems involving China and U.S. nuclear weapons, discusses responses undertaken by the Administration and Congress, and presents public damage assessments. The report concludes with implicaitons for U.S. policy on counterintelligence, nuclear nonproliferation, and relations with China.


Small Business Innovation Research Program 스크랩

  • Wendy H. Schacht
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  • 기계

In 1982, the Small Business Innovation Development Act(P.L. 97-219) extablished small business innovation research(SBIR) programs within the major federal research and development agencies. The objective of this effort is to increase government funding of work with commercialization potential in the small, high-technology company sector. P.L. 106-554, signed into law on December 21, 2000, reauthorized the SBIR activity through September 30, 2008.


F-22 Raptor Aircraft Program 스크랩

  • Christopher Bolkcom
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  • 기계

Some question the need for aircraft such as the F-22 at a time when the production of comparable aircraft in ither countries is in doubt. Others argue that the F-22 should be developed to counter long-term threats of more advanced air defenses by potential enemies as well as to maintain the U.S. position in aviation technology and production. The airframe will be produced by Lockheed in Marietta, GA, and Ft. Worth, TX, with the Praft & Whitney engines produced in West Palm Beach, FL..


The Advanced Technology Program 스크랩

  • Wendy H. Schacht
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  • 과학기술과 인문사회

The Advanced Technology program(ATP) was created by P.L. 100-418, the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988, to encouragepublic-private cooperation in development of pre-competitive technologies with broad application across industries. Administered by the National Institute of Standards and Technology(NIST), a laboratory of the Department of Commerce, this activity has been targeted for elimination as means to cut federal spending. However, strong support by the Clinton Administration led to continued ATP funding in FY1997 and FY1998, although at reduced levels. Appropriations for FY 1999 were 3% above the previous year; in FY2000 funding decreased 28% to $142.6 million. For FY 2001, the President had requested a 23% increase in support for ATP while the appropriations bill that originally passed the House included no financing for the program. However, P.L. 106-553 appropriates $145.7 million for ATP, 2% above the previous year.


The Federal Role in Technology Development 스크랩

  • Wedny H. Schacht
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  • 과학기술과 인문사회

The federal government has traditionally played a role in fostering technological progress. This has involved both direct federal research and development(R&D) funding and indirect measures that create incentives for increased private sector investments in innovation. However, this mix of initiatives has been challenged since the 104th Congress. While support for all on-going efforts continues, some programs have been funded at reduced levels. However, the FY2001 appropriations appear to have reversed this trend. As programs are implemented and mature, concerns are being raised as to the appropriate balance between the importance of bringing new and improved products and processes to the marketplace and protecting the public investment in R&D.


Technology Transfer : Use of Federally Funded Research and Development 스크랩

  • Wendy H. Schacht
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  • 과학기술과 인문사회

Congress has established a system to facilitate the transfer of technology to the private secotr and to state and local governments. Despite this, use of federal R&D results has remained meager although htere has been an increase in private secotr interest and activities. Critics argue that working with the agencies and laboratories continues to be difficult and time-consuming. Proponents assert that while the laboratories are open to interested parties, industry is making little effort to use them. The Administration has made expanded use of federal laboratories and industry-government cooperation integral parts of its technology policy. At issue is whether additional legislation is necessary to encourage increased technology transfer or if the responsibility now rests with the private secotr to use the available resources.


표면접촉을 이용한 모발네트워크의 새로운 개념 스크랩

  • 변희언 변희언
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  • 랭커스터대학교
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  • 전기/전자

본 자료는 Cambridge에 있는 AT&T Laboratories의 기술보고서로서, Networked Surfaces와 관련된 모빌 네트워킹의 새로운 개념에 대해 언급하고 있습니다. Networked Surfaces는 특별히 지정된 장치가 네트워크의 Surface에 물리적으로 놓여질때, 네트워크 연결을 제공하는 Surfaces를 말합니다. 예를들어, 노트북 컴퓨터와 같은 장치가 연결될 때 handshaking 프로토콜은 확보되어 있는 다양한 전도성 채널에 데이터 혹은 전력전송과 같은 기능을 할당합니다. 본 보고서는 네트워킹 세계의 관점에서 이러한 개념을 다루고, 그것의 현실화적인 관점에서 사용된 기술의 전반에 대해서 다루고 있습니다. 또한, 현재의 Prototype 이식성과 그것의 도입에 대한 잠정적인 복잡성에 대해서 다루고 있습니다이 자료의 분석은 영국 Lancaster Univ에서 Mobile Computing, Wireless Internet 분야에서 연구하고 계신 변희언님께서 수고해 주셨습니다. 궁금하신 점은 변희언 님께 문의하시기 바랍니다.e-mail: h.e.byun@lancaster.ac.uk첨부화일.표면접촉을 이용한 모발네트워크의 새로운 개념 변희언.pdf.표면접촉을 이용한 모발네트워크 원문.pdf
