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전체 46818

전체 46818

1998 Project Book - A Digest of the Air Force's ManTech Progress 스크랩

The 1998 edition of the Manufacturing Technology "Project Book" summarizes projects in progress or completed since publication of the "1996-97 Project Book Update." It is a "living"document, with the specific purpose of promoting the transfer of technology which has been developed through investments in the defense industrial base. It is organized in such a way as to provide information needed to decide whether the technology described will be useful. Each project is summarized on a single page containing an explanation of why the project was needed, what approach was used to accomplish the effort, the benefits expected to be realized, the project's current status, the name of the project engineer, and the performing contractor.


National Security Assessment of the Emergency Aircraft Ejection Seat Sector 스크랩

이 자료는 보안 문서로 등록이 되어 있습니다. 문서를 열람하시기 원하시는 분은 다음의 사용자 암호를 입력하신 후 사용하시기 바랍니다. 사용자 암호 : www.kosen21.org A Report for the U.S. Department of the Air Force [ Contents ] 1. Introduction 2. Ejection Seat Industry 3. Summary of Industry Survey and Site Visits 4. Recent and Future Market Opportunities 5. Findings and Recommendations


資源環境技術總合硏究所報告 第31號 스크랩

  • Masayoshi Takahasi
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The purpose of this study is to clarify the effects of the physiological stressors related to oxygen self-rescuers on human body and make some proposals to improve the certificatino tests and standards for the apparatuses. The details of chapters each are follows; Chapter 1 is concerned with introduction as mentioned above. Chapter 2 is concerned with the characteristics of oxygen slf-rescuers, the present certification tests and standards, and a bridf review of the physiological studies related to the appratuses. Chapter 3 is concerned with elevated breathing gas temperature and humidity. Chapter 4 is concerned with the effects of change in inhaled gas content on human body. Chapter 5 is concerned with the effects of breathing resistance on human body. Chapter 6 is concerned with the evaluation of safety of oxygen self-rescuers under heavy work conditions. Chapter 7 is concerned with the conclusions of the study.


1999 Project Book Update - Air Force Research Laboratory Manufacturing Technology 스크랩

This document is a supplement to the Air Force Research Laboratory Manufacturing Technology "1998 Project Book". It is not a replacement, but rather an enhancement to an already vital "living" report with the specific purpose of promoting the transfer of technology. It is organized in such a way as to provide information needed to decide whether the technology described will be useful. In this supplement, new projects since the publication of the 1998 Project Book in November 1997 are summarized on a single page. The summary contains an explanation of the need for the project, the approach taken to accomplish the effort, the benefits expeced to be realized, the current status, the name of the project engineer, and the performing contractor. For projects completed since the printing of the 1998 Project Book, there is a summary of the final benefits of the program, the status of the final technical report ot the report number, and the Project Book page number for reference purposes. For active projects(those described in the 1998 Project Book which are still active), there is information on the current status of the project and the Project Book page number.


F-5 Full-Scale Static Test Program 스크랩

I. Objective Checking the static strength of F-5.003 aircraft structure. II. Object of tests The item F-5.003 made by manufacturer, is an article of a customizing batch and is a modification of a serial aircraft F-5.001. The complete set of an article should correspond to the documentation, supplied with the aircraft. The item F-5.003 has the following differences from a prototype aircraft F-5.001: - Nose cone diameter is increased and nose cone angle of the installation is changed; - cockpit windows with improved in-flight view, - Tail part with the improved streamilining and sunk brake parachute, - Wing with new fairing and tip, the angle of leading edge=6; - Straightened axes of engines, - Rudders of increased area with reinforced fittings; - Capacity of fuel tanks is increased, - The number of suspensions is increased and their arrangement is changed. The new design weight is provided at the same nG. III. Technique of tests 1. Test of airframe components are condected on full-scale airframe in accordance with Test Assignments. 2. All tasks for static tests are drawn up in accordance with initial data given in “Loads on F-5 airframe spreadsheet“. 3. During tests, to produce measurements of deformations, stiffness, stresses should be produced according to the schemes issued by strength department. 4. The stages of tests and testing procedure are determined by special coordinated schedule. 5. After completion of tests, airframe disassembly(deriveting and cutting) should be condected for failure inspection of internal substructure. 6. During conducting the tests program, the approved refinements and additions to the program may be introduced.


*Nanoscale Science, Engineering and Tehcnology Research Directions 분석 보고서 스크랩

이 분석 자료는 나노 과학/공학 기술의 미래의 연구 방향에 대해 미국 에너지부 (Department of Energy) 산하 기초 에너지 과학국 (Office of Basic Energy Science: BES)의 나노 과학기술 그룹 (N/N Group)이 곧 공식으로 출범 예정인 미국의 범부처 국가 선도 연구(“21세기 나노기술: 신산업 혁명을 향하여”)와 연계하여 작성한 원 보고서를 바탕으로 작성되었습니다. 나노 과학/기술에 관심이 있는 분들에게 미국의 나노과학/기술의 흐름을 전체적으로 바라볼 수 있는 기초적인 자료가 될 것입니다. 이 자료의 분석은 미국 Louisiana State University의 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering에 계신 이정봉교수님께서 수고해 주셨습니다. 문의사항은 박사님께 문의하시기 바랍니다. 이메일 : jblee@ee.lsu.edu> 첨부화일 .Nanoscale 이정봉.pdf .Nanoscale원문.tif


미국립 해양대기청 (NOAA)의 2001년 예산 내역 스크랩

  • 서경환 서경환
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  • 부산대학교
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  • 지구과학(지구/대기/해양/천문)

미국 통상부의 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration에서 발간한 자료로 2001년의 예산안에 대한 내용을 다루고 있습니다 (서론) NOAA는 2005년까지 사회 경제적인 결정으로 포괄적인 환경의 이해에 관련된 지구사회에 새로운 비전을 제시한다. 환경 평가와 예보는 경제적 부의 증진, 삶의 질 향상, 인명과 재산 보호와 미국 무역수지를 개선시키는데 중추적 역할을 할 것이다. 이러한 전망은 다음과 같은 활동에 좌우된다. a) 기상, 기후, 우주 환경, 해양/수산 자원, 선박 항해 체계의 신빙성 있는 평가와 예보의 산출 및 배포 b) 주요 어종의 서식지 보호, 소멸 위기 해양 어종과 포유류의 복원을 위한 해양 해안 자원 개발과 환경 관리 c) 위성, 레이다, 선박을 이용한 관측의 지속 d) 환경에 대한 지식과 기술의 이전과 유포를 위한 새로운 정보 네트워크 구축 e) 민과 공, 국제 협조체제 구축 f) 현재와 미래를 위한 과학 연구와 신기술의 개발에 대한 투자 이 자료의 분석은 자료는 미국 Texas A&M University의 Dept. of Atmospheric Sciences에 계시는 서경환님께서 수고해 주셨습니다. 의문사항은 서경환님께 문의하시기 바랍니다. 이메일 : khseo@csrp.tamu.edu 첨부화일 .NOAA2001 서경환.pdf .NOAA2001 원문.tif


Helicopters. Selection of Design Parameters 스크랩

  • M. Tishenko, A. Nekrassove, A. Radin
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  • 기계

이 자료는 보안 문서로 등록이 되어 있습니다. 문서를 열람하시기 원하시는 분은 다음의 사용자 암호를 입력하신 후 사용하시기 바랍니다. 사용자 암호 : www.kosen21.org Various criteria of helicopter application effeiciency needed for their optimum parameters selection are considered. Examples of parameters determination using these criteria are presented. Methods of estimation of the construction weight, helicopter manufacturing and operation cost are given. Comparison of different helicopter schemes is presented. The book is planned to be used by engineers and scientists of manufacturing plants, design bureaus, research institutes and maintenance companies, specializing in aviation. It will also be useful for professors and students of aviation institutes.


NASA: 2000년도 우주 과학 연구 계획안 모집 공고 스크랩

  • 김재남 김재남
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  • 무소속
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  • 지구과학(지구/대기/해양/천문)

NASA에서 발간한 자료로 2000년 4월 28일부터 9월 15일까지가 신청 마감인 신규과제들을 소개하고 있습니다. NASA의 연구동향을 살펴볼 수 있는 좋은 자료라고 생각됩니다. 이 자료의 분석은 한국과학기술원 인공위성 연구센터에 계신 이준호박사님께서 수고해 주셨습니다. 궁금하신 내용은 박사님께 문의하시기 바랍니다. 이메일 : jhl@satrec.kaist.ac.kr 첨부화일 .NASA-Research 이준호.pdf .NASA-Research원문.tif


Helicopter Flight Tests 스크랩

  • Dr. S. B. Bren
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  • 기계

이 자료는 보안 문서로 등록이 되어 있습니다. 문서를 열람하시기 원하시는 분은 다음의 사용자 암호를 입력하신 후 사용하시기 바랍니다. 사용자 암호 : www.kosen21.org Goals of flight tests and their conduction are described. Background of flight test procedures is given. Methods of flight test results reduction to standard conditions for helicopters with different types of engines are presented. Procedures of stability and controllability determination during flight tests are given. Theoretical background of structure strength flight tests and their procedures are presented.
