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전체 46818

전체 46818

National Missile Defense : Issues for Congress 스크랩

  • Steven A. Hildreth
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  • 기계

Many in Congress and outside the government have shown a growing interest in recent years in deploying a ballistic missile defense to protect the United States from attack. The 1972 ABM Treaty prohibits nationwide defense but permits the United States to deploy up to 100 interceptors for long-range ballistic missiles at a single site. Many supporters of the National Missile Defense (NMD) argue that the United States must amend or abrogate this treaty so that it can pursue a more robust defense.


National Security Implications of Airborne Early Warning(AEW) Aircraft 스크랩

  • Christopher Bolkcom
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  • 기계

Airborne early warning (AEW) aircraft significantly improve the effectiveness of modern defensive and offensive air operations. Presently only a few countries manufacture such aircraft. The demand for AEW aircraft, is growing however, as their utility is recognized. AEW aircraft have been sought by China and India, each a party in regional rivalries. Congress is likely to review the U.S. national security interests and policies raised by these cases.


Technology Challenge Programs in the Elementary and Secondary Education Act 스크랩

  • Patricia Osorio-O'Dea
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  • 과학기술과 인문사회

Throughout the 1980s and 1990s, federal policymakers have been interested in the use of technology in education. This interest comes partly out of concern over poor student performance, and the idea that educational technology can improve that performance. Many policymakers feel U.S. students should receive training in school that will enable tehm to work in an incerasingly technological environment. The federal government provides upport to technology in education through several different programs.


Research and Development Funding:Fiscal Year 2001 스크랩

  • Michael E. Davey
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  • 과학기술과 인문사회

The Administration has requested $85.333 billion for federal R&D spending in FY2001, a 3% increase over the estimated $82.744 billion for FY 2000. The Administration and Congress have reached a budget agreement that includes record increase for R&D. CRS extimates that total Fderal R&D spendiing is likely to exceed $91 billion, an estimated $8.6 billion increase, the largest dollar increase in history.


Navy Network-Centric Warfare Concept: Key Programs and Issues for Congress 스크랩

  • Ronald O'Rourke
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  • 전기/전자

Network-centric warfare(NCW) is the Navy's Central concept for organizing its efforts to trasform itself for military operations in the 21st Century. NCW focuses on using information technology(IT) to link togegher Navy ships, aricraft, and shore installations into highly integrated networks. It could significantly improve U.S. naval capabilities and lead to substantial changes in naval tactics, doctrine, and organization Key programs for implementing NCW include the Cooperative Engagement Capability(CEC), the IT-21 program, and the Navy-Marine Corps Intranet(NMCI). Congress has closely followed and expressed concern for some of these programs. The Navy is working to resolve problems with the CEC system that were discovered in testing. The Navy recently awarded a multivillion-dollar NMCI contract and has begun to create the NMCI network. This report may be updated if developments warrant.


North Korea's Nuclear Weapons Program 스크랩

  • Larry A. Niksch
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There are numerous potential legislative initiatives available to Congress to affect the Agreed Framework. A certain role for Congress will involve Administration requests for appropriations to help finance the costs of the various benefits to North Korea. Moreover, Congress under law will have to review a prospective U.S.-North Korea nuclear agreement, which the Administration will have to negotiate before light water reactors with U.S. technology can be sent to North Korea.


Nuclear Weapons:Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty 스크랩

  • Jonathan Medalia
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A comprehensive test ban treaty, or CTBT, is the oldest item on the nuclear arms control agenda. Three treaties currently limit testing to underground only, with a mazimum force equal to 150,000 tons of TNT. According to the Natural Resources Defense Council, the United States conducted 1,030 nuclear tests, the Soviet Union 715, the United Kingdom 45, France 210, and China 45. Since 1997, the United States has held 13 "subcritical experiments" at the nevada Test Site to study the behavior of plutonium under pressures generated by explosives.


The National Ignition Facility:Management, Technical, and Other Issues 스크랩

  • Richard Rowberg
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The U.S. Department of Energy is building a very large laser facility at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory that is designed to simulate the behavior of nuclear explosions. This project, the National Ignition Facility, is a key element of the Administration's program to maintain the Nation's nuclear weapons stockpile in the absence of nuclear testing. Recent problems with the NIF project that are likely to result in major cost increase have sparked new controversy about the project. This report briefly describes the background of NIF and presents a more detailed assessment of the major managerial and technical problems facing the project. A brief discussion of the outlook for the project in the 107th Congress is also presented. The report should be of use to Members of COngress and their staff who have legislative and oversight responsibilities concerning NIF. THe report will be updated as warranted.
